Maintaining Team Morale When Your Projects Get Tough
Maintaining Team Morale When Your Projects Get Tough By Bruce McGraw ‘I don’t measure a man’s success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits the bottom.’ – General...
Maintaining Team Morale When Your Projects Get Tough By Bruce McGraw ‘I don’t measure a man’s success by how high he climbs but how high he bounces when he hits the bottom.’ – General...
Communication: The Essential Ingredient for Good Project Management By Bruce McGraw You might expect that, as a Technology guy, I would say that tools are the essential ingredient (and I have certainly written plenty...
Top Ten Questions You Should Ask about Every Project You’re Managing By Bruce McGraw Have you ever been assigned to manage a project that seems like a shape shifter—you know, a character from a...
Integrity and the Project Manager By Bruce McGraw “If you tell the truth you don’t have to remember anything.”— Mark Twain I recently came across a post on leadership and integrity by Michal Ray...
Project Managers: What to Do When Everyone Leaves Town for the Holiday By Bruce McGraw There are disruptive technologies that completely throw businesses off track and then there are holidays that can be disruptive...
Project Management Is a Broad Human Practice – Not Merely a Profession By Michael Greer Figure 1: Profession vs practice iceberg In a recent article on PM Hut titled Defending the Project Management Profession...
Is it Possible to Do More Project Management with Less? By Bruce McGraw I don’t know about you, but recently I have heard the phrase “doing more with less” many, many times. It has...
The Role of a Project’s Lead Technologist By Bruce McGraw Every project that I have looked at over the years involving computers, software or technology had three key staff on them — The PM,...
Project Management Software – Issues and Requirements By Bruce McGraw Though many businesses use project management software, a sentiment exists in some circles that successful project managers often achieve results in spite of their...
Rethinking Project Success and Failure By Bruce McGraw I think we have an issue in the field of project management. Defining project success and failure only in terms of on-time and on-budget performance is...