24 Search results

For the term ""Kerry Wills"".

Keeping the Boat Afloat and Teamwork

Keeping the Boat Afloat and Teamwork By Kerry Wills In today’s corporate world most organizations are matrixed in different ways. This means that there are many handoffs and intersection points for most solutions and...

Mutli-dimentional People

Mutli-dimentional People By Kerry Wills In today’s business landscape I believe that the most successful people are the ones who are “multi-dimensional.” That is, they can work in many different facets are not just...

Project Failures, By the Numbers

Project Failures, By the Numbers By Kerry Wills Every year, the Standish Group comes out with their “Chaos Report” which surveys projects and companies to determine project success and failures. The 2014 version came...

Dealing with Difficult People

Dealing with Difficult People By Kerry Wills Every place I have worked at has their share of “difficult” people. These are people who seem to enjoy making everyone else around them miserable. They yell,...

Types of Power in Project Management

Types of Power in Project Management By Kerry Wills In their classic 1959 study on the bases of power, social psychologists John R. P. French and Betram Raven identified five categories of power described...