10 Search results

For the term ""Merrie Barron"".

History of Project Management

History of Project Management By Merrie Barron and Andrew R. Barron Could the Great Wall of China, the pyramids, or Stonehenge have been built without project management? It is possible to say that the...

Project Stakeholders

Project Stakeholders By Merrie Barron and Andrew R. Barron A project is successful when it achieves its objectives and meets or exceeds the expectations of the stakeholders. But who are the stakeholders? Stakeholders are...

Politics and Project Management

Politics and Project Management By Merrie Barron and Andrew R. Barron Many times, project stakeholders have conflicting interests. It’s the project manager’s responsibility to understand these conflicts and try to resolve them. It’s also...

Project Characteristics

Project Characteristics By Merrie Barron and Andrew R. Barron When considering whether or not you have a project on your hands, there are some things to keep in mind. First, is it a project...


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