18 Search results

For the term "%Christian Bisson"".

Need Help with a Tight Schedule?

Need Help with a Tight Schedule? By Christian Bisson One of the main concerns for project managers is delivering the project on time. More often than we would love to admit, this can be...

Get Rid of Your Project’s Contingency

Get Rid of Your Project’s Contingency By Christian Bisson How many times have you heard this while creating estimates? Or how many times has the thought of doing this crossed your mind? Regardless, contingency...

Change: Before, During, After

Change: Before, During, After By Christian Bisson When planning to move forward with a change that will impact your colleagues, it is important to remember that you must manage what comes before the change,...

Risks: Not Always Negative

Risks: Not Always Negative By Christian Bisson A common thinking about risks is that they are all negative and should be mitigated or avoided as much as possible. That common thinking is wrong! A...

5 Tips to Help Make Changes Happen

5 Tips to Help Make Changes Happen By Christian Bisson Bringing change is always a challenge. The human reflex towards changes is pushing-back due to being scared of the unknown it may bring. This...