Benefits Realisation Plan – Program Management
Benefits Realisation Plan – Program Management
By The Office of Government Commerce – OGC, UK
Purpose of the Benefits Realisation Plan
Used to track realisation of benefits across the programme
Fitness for Purpose Checklist
- Are the dates by which the benefits should accrue clearly understood and realistic?
- Are the dates by which the benefits should accrue in line with the programme milestones and relevant project deliverables?
- Are the actual benefits accruing compared to the projected benefits?
Suggested Content in the Benefits Realisation Plan
- Schedule detailing when each benefit or group of benefits will be realised
- Identification of appropriate milestones when a programme benefit review could be carried out
- Details of any handover activities, beyond the mere implementation of a deliverable or output, to sustain the process of benefits realisation after the programme is closed.
Source Information
- Benefit Profiles
- Programme Plan
The Benefits Realisation Plan should clearly show what will happen, where and when the benefits will occur and who will be responsible for their delivery. The plan for benefits needs to be integrated into or co-ordinated with the programme plan and should be very clear about handover and responsibilities for ongoing operations in the changed state (where the benefits will actually accrue).
There should also be a tracking process which monitors achievement of benefits against expectations and targets. The tracking process must be capable of tracking both ‘hard’ (e.g. cost, headcount) and ‘soft’ (e.g. image) benefits and operates alongside the changed operation.
In addition, there should be evidence of realisation of actual benefits (through the tracking process). The benefits claimed should be defensible against third party scrutiny.
The Office of Government Commerce – © Crown Copyright 2009