5 Tips for Achieving Project Success
5 Tips for Achieving Project Success By Ben Snyder, CEO of Systemation When it comes to project management, sticking to a project’s timeline and budget is never an easy task. While there are countless...
5 Tips for Achieving Project Success By Ben Snyder, CEO of Systemation When it comes to project management, sticking to a project’s timeline and budget is never an easy task. While there are countless...
Seven Top Tips for Being a Better Project Manager By Michelle Symonds No matter where you are in your career, sometimes you need to take a step back and ask yourself if you are...
Project Management: Arbitrary Deadlines Can Be Your Friend By Preben Ormen A lot of projects are launched with plans based on essentially arbitrary deadlines. By arbitrary deadlines I mean the finish dates were set...
Project Manager Question List By Bill Gutches Every project has topics that are relevant to its success and are rarely talked about. Why is this? What are these topics? Here is an ever growing...
Project Management in 3 Envelopes By Murali Ramakrishnan I chose the title “Project Management in 3 envelopes” because of a popular joke about Project Management. The joke goes like this: A new PM takes...
Defining Your Project Into a Box By Ben Snyder, CEO of Systemation The hardest thing to do when launching a project is to define it into a box. Yes, I said define it into...
The CHAOS Report 2009 on IT Project Failure By Jorge Dominguez The Standish Group collects information on project failures in the IT industry and environments with the objective of making the industry more successful...
Preparing the Business Case (#4 in the Hut Introduction to Project Management) By JISC infoNet Preparing a Business Case need not necessarily be a lengthy or difficult exercise. The amount of time worth spending...
Why Projects Fail (#2 in the Hut Introduction to Project Management) By JISC infoNet It is a sad fact that many projects, particularly those involving information systems, fail to deliver against their objectives on...
What Is Project Management – Characteristics of a Project (#1 in the Hut Introduction to Project Management) By JISC infoNet There are many definitions of what constitutes a project such as ‘a unique set...