End Project / Project Closure Report
End Project / Project Closure Report
By The Office of Government Commerce – OGC, UK
Purpose of the End Project / Project Closure Report
This report is the Project Manager’s report to the SRO/Project Owner (who may pass it on to corporate or programme management) on how well the project has performed against its Project Initiation Document, including the original planned cost, schedule and risk allowances, the revised business case and final version of the project plan.
Fitness for Purpose Checklist
- Does the report describe the impact of the approved changes on the Project Initiation Document \ Project brief?
- Does the report cover all the benefits that can be assessed at this time?
- Does the quality work done during the project meet the quality expectations of the Customer?
Suggested Content in the End Project / Closure Report
The End Project Report should contain:
- Achievement of the project’s objectives, summarising whether the project was successful or not
- Performance against the planned target time and cost
- The effect on the original project plan and business case of any changes that were approved
- Final analysis on change issues received during the project
- The total impact of approved changes
- Analysis for all quality work carried out.
- Post-Project Review date and plan.
Source Information
- Updated Project Plan
- Project Initiation Document \ Project Brief
- Risk register
- Lessons learned report
Although it is primarily the responsibility of the Project Manager to produce these documents for acceptance by the Project sponsor on behalf of the SRO/Project Owner during the closing stage, the Owner may wish to influence their content.
Successful delivery toolkit, the Office of Government Commerce – © Crown Copyright 2009