How To Position Project Management System In Your Company

How To Position Project Management System In Your Company
By Giana Rosetti

Establishing project management in most organizations is very difficult to do, because managers are afraid of losing their authority and control over the resources that are assigned to them. Workers are afraid of being held accountable for performing a new set of requirements. This fear, expressed as resistance, comes from lack of information and understanding about how the changes will affect their jobs.

Positioning the project management function at the highest level within the organization provides the measure of autonomy necessary to extend its authority across the organization while substantiating the value and importance the function has in the eyes of executive management.

The first step that is required to achieve the goal of establishing project management enterprise-wide is the creation of a business function that has the authority and responsibility to get the job done.

The second step is to a group charged with the responsibility to get the system up and running is called a Project Management Center of Excellence (PMCoE) or Project Management Office (PMO). Establishing project management office should not be viewed as a quick-fix solution, but rather as a long-term, foundation-building effort.

The third step is to use of project management techniques effectively, which is a critical element for achieving improvements in these areas. Some companies even view project management as a key weapon in their arsenal to increase customer satisfaction and beat the competition.

Competing globally, increasing market share, reducing costs, and improving profits – all in the pursuit of producing better products and services faster through the use of high technology solutions – are just a few of the reasons why most organizations seek better ways to improve time-to-market, cost-to-market, and quality-to-market.

The organization as a whole must recognize and adopt new attitudes that embrace project management best practices as the normal way of working. This enables them to bring the full power of this new competitive weapon to bear in the battle of continued business growth, and in many cases ultimate survival in today’s highly competitive global market.

Giana Rosetti is an electrical engineer and a PMP certified professional with a successful track record directing projects and programs with a combined knowledge of engineering, research and analysis, with strategic marketing driving businesses throughout domestic and international markets. You can read more from Giana on her blog.

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