Post Implementation Review – PIR
Post Implementation Review – PIR
By Michele Berrie, Queensland University of Technology
All major projects require a Post Implementation Review (PIR) after completion. The PIR may be requested for any other project, for example, if more information is needed than detailed in the Project Activity Completion Report.
The sponsor should make arrangements for the Post Implementation Review (PIR) when the project closes, as required.
Recommended composition of PIR team for a major project:
- Chair (Not usually the project manager)
- 1 steering committee member
- 1 independent member from the client area
- 1 project team member
Composition of a typical PIR team for a minor project:
- Project manager as organiser and leader
- 1 independent member
The review should take place within a time frame appropriate to the nature of the project, often within three months, but as long as six months for a large project.
The review should evaluate the way the project was run and assess whether the projected benefits have materialised or will be realised in future. The review should identify the highlights and good practices adopted during the project and contain an evaluation/appraisal of events that occurred, lessons learned and pitfalls to be avoided in future. The project manager, steering committee members and designated stakeholders should have input to the review. Supporting documentation should be supplied, depending on the size of the project.
The report and other resulting documentation should be presented to the Primary Sponsor. A copy should be sent to the Project Portfolio Office. The Project Portfolio Office will make the appropriate governing bodies aware of the reports.
The Primary Sponsor is responsible for any resulting actions with consideration and response to recommendations, as well as promulgating lessons learned, as appropriate.
Queensland University of Technology (QUT) is a highly successful Australian university with an applied emphasis in courses and research. Based in the city of Brisbane with a global outlook, it has 40,000 students, including 6000 from overseas, (QUT Statistics) and an annual budget of more than AU$500 million. Courses are in high demand and its graduate employment rate is well above the national average for Australian universities.