23 Questions a Quality Auditor May Ask

23 Questions a Quality Auditor May Ask
By Zenkara

When an ISO9001 audit is on the horizon for your company, it’s a good idea to ensure your staff are able to answer the following questions. (although some questions are more for management and the QA team)

  1. What are your documented quality policy and objectives?
  2. How are quality objectives established at various levels through the organisation?
  3. How are quality objectives measured, communicated?
  4. How does the quality policy relate to you and your job?
  5. How does your management show commitment to quality?
  6. What is contained in your quality management system? What is it for?
  7. Do you use procedures? Are they ever updated?
  8. What sort of training have you undertaken?
  9. What records are kept of management reviews?
  10. How does top management ensure availability of resources?
  11. How does top management establish continual improvement?
  12. What metrics are recorded? Do you know the key metrics results?
  13. How are customer requirements and regulatory requirements communicated and met?
  14. How do you determine your customers’ needs
  15. How do you turn your customers’ needs into requirements
  16. What is your document control process? Is it documented?
  17. Who approves documents for adequacy prior to use?
  18. How are changes identified
  19. Where is your record control procedure?
  20. How are your records protected from deterioration?
  21. How are your records stored?
  22. How are your records identified?
  23. How would you go about improving a procedure?

If your staff can answer a majority of these questions, it’s a good indicator you’ll do well in your audit and is good for your bottom line.

Zenkara focuses on streamlining and deploying business processes and quality systems and accelerating decision making through OODA (Observe, Orient, Decide, Act) and metrics systems. Zenkara is located in Brisbane, Australia.

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