Implementing ITIL® using the PMBOK® Guide in Four Repeatable Steps – Conclusion
Implementing ITIL® using the PMBOK® Guide in Four Repeatable Steps – Conclusion (#9 in the series Implementing ITIL® using the PMBOK® Guide in Four Repeatable Steps)
By Lawrence Cooper, PMP, CPM, ITIL Service Manager
While the King advised Alice that she should “Begin at the beginning and go on until we come to the end; then stop,” we have seen that, in the case of implementing ITIL using project management best practices, we have many project beginnings and ends—both during and after implementing ITIL.
This series provided the reader with an overview of the PMBOK® Guide as well as the key process areas and functions within the IT Infrastructure Library.We compared and contrasted the two bodies of knowledge and illustrated that they share many common traits in their goals and objectives for their respective domains, noting, however, that while project management is domain agnostic, ITIL is IT-specific. We established a foundation for discussion by looking at why many IT (not just ITSM) projects fail and how an iterative approach to both deployment and project management itself can help with the mitigating risk in ITSM deployment projects. We concluded by noting that once ITSM is implemented, project management not only has a role in continued ITSM success, but is a necessary ingredient when used in the right situations.
IT Service Management as the next big wave in IT is already here, and already we are hearing about failed and delayed implementations. While using project management practices will not guarantee your success, it will significantly improve your chances—if you know when to use it, how to use it, and ensure that your staff has the right training and understanding in both disciplines.
About the Author
Larry Cooper is the CEO of ITSM Canada, an Authorized itSM Solutions® provider and a VAR for Touchpaper’s ITBM Suite of products. Mr. Cooper has spent more than 28 years in IT in the public and private sectors where he has held roles such as a Software Developer/Programmer Analyst, Manager of Operations, Lead for Business Process Re-engineering, various Project Manger roles on projects upwards to $100M, and A/Director, Business Technology. He has written and been published in books and industry articles on a variety of technology, IT Service Management, and Project Management topics. He holds three project management certifications including a PMP, an IT Service Manager certification, and is an EXIN-accredited Master’s level trainer. He resides in Ottawa, Canada with his wife and two children. He can be reached at
This article was originally published in Global Knowledge’s Business Brief e-newsletter. Global Knowledge delivers comprehensive hands-on project management, business process, and professional skills training. Visit our online Knowledge Center at for free white papers, webinars, and more.
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