Stakeholder Map
Stakeholder Map
By The Office of Government Commerce – OGC, UK
Purpose of the Stakeholder Map
- Identifies all interested parties both inside and outside the programme; may also include individuals or groups outside the business.
- Used to ensure that all stakeholder interests are catered for by the programme, including keeping them informed and receiving feedback.
Fitness for Purpose Checklist
- Have all the stakeholders and their interests been identified?
- Is there agreement from all interested parties about the content, frequency and method?
- Has a common standard been considered?
- Has time to carry out the identified communications been allowed for in the stage plans?
- It is important to determine the interests of all stakeholders, who may represent different customer groups, and to resolve conflicting requirements.
Suggested Content in the Stakeholder Map
- Matrix showing individual stakeholders or groups of stakeholders and their particular interests in the programme
- Communication route and frequency for each stakeholder or groups of stakeholders
Source Information of the Stakeholder Map
- Blueprint
- Programme Plan
- Organisational structures of organisations involved in the programme
The Office of Government Commerce – © Crown Copyright 2009