The Project Portfolio Document
The Project Portfolio Document
By The Office of Government Commerce – OGC, UK
Purpose of the Project Portfolio
To list the projects that are or will be part of the programme.
Fitness for Purpose Checklist
- Have all component project been identified?
- Do the objectives of each project contribute to the delivery of the aim of the programme?
- Are the interdependencies of the projects clearly understood?
- Is the high level project information included?
Suggested Content in the Project Porfolio
- List of component projects
- Outline project information such as target timescales, resources required and objectives
Source Information
- Blueprint
There should be a set of Project Plans for the constituent projects in each of the authorised change programmes. Each project plan should be supported by a high level business case and should clearly show the timescales, resource requirements and interdependencies of the project activities. Associated with each project plan will be a set of activities which recognise and seek to mitigate external risks (Risk Plan).
The Office of Government Commerce – © Crown Copyright 2009