Category: Quality Management
Five Steps to Quality Management of Your Project By Michelle Symonds Producing a high quality project depends on many factors, and maintaining control over quality whilst also sticking to timescales and budget is a...
Future Trends in Quality Management By Michael Stanleigh Where is quality management going in the next decade? Being able to look at current trends and see where they will take us is an interesting...
When and Why Does Total Quality Management Work, and Why Isn’t It Still Prevalent? By Timothy Prosser Total Quality Management, or TQM, was prevalent in business thinking in the 1980s, and improved the work...
Quality Objectives in Project Management – Beauty is in The Eye of the Beholder! By James Clements I went to a Project Management group breakfast a couple of weeks ago and as part of...
The Business Process Analysis for a Project Manager By James Swanson – Global Knowledge Course Director Enterprises, whether they are commercial, non-profit, or government entities, are operational organizations that operate through the execution of...
Quality Management on Software Projects By Dave Nielsen This is the first in a series of articles about managing the Quality related activities in a software project, written from the project manager’s perspective. The...
23 Questions a Quality Auditor May Ask By Zenkara When an ISO9001 audit is on the horizon for your company, it’s a good idea to ensure your staff are able to answer the following...
The Intangible Costs of Quality By Michael Donahoe “Nobody tries to do a bad job. Sometimes we just do.” There are many ways to measure the cost of quality on your projects. There are...
Quality Management Strategy By The Office of Government Commerce – OGC, UK Purpose Quality Management recognise a number of management principles that can be used by senior management as a framework to guide their...
CMM and the PMBOK By Dave Nielsen CMM or CMMI may be the most prominent quality standards for software. CMM/CMMI goes beyond the scope of standards such as ISO to define the criteria for...