Category: Quality Management
Project Quality Metrics – The Other Side of the Grass By Ram Narayanan Sastry “What cannot be measured cannot be improved.” This saying forms the basic reason why we have quality metrics defined and...
CMM and Project Quality Management By Dave Nielsen Please note that the CMM/CMMI methodology this article is based on is from the Capability Maturity Model, Guidelines for Improving the Software Process, Carnegie Mellon University...
Deming’s 14 Points and Quality Project Leadership By J. Alex Sherrer Quality is misunderstood by many who think of it only as it relates to the final deliverable, but a quality product is itself...
The Two Types of Quality Reviews By Kerry Wills Most delivery methodologies recommend conducting reviews of key deliverables at specific points in time on the project. Conducting these reviews is an effective way to...
Managing Project Quality (#31 in the Hut Introduction to Project Management) By JISC infoNet We have previously mentioned Time, Cost and Quality as key factors in project management. Assessing performance in terms of time...
Introduction to Project Management Processes – Quality Management (#3 in the series Introduction to Project Management Processes) By The Office of Government Commerce – OGC, UK Quality management ensures that the expected quality of...
People, Process, and Performance Management in Project Management By William Thom Project Managers are People Managers. Many of us have heard this over the years, but is that it? Are we nothing more than...
The Positive Side of Scope Creep By Meade Rubenstein You often hear complaints from developers and project managers about scope creep in a project. This is often pointed to as the #1 cause of...
An Introduction to Project Quality Management By Michael L Young Budgets and timeframes are integral elements of project management and are often the key elements used when assessing a project’s performance. However a key...
Key Success Factors For Improving Project Quality By Michael L Young Commentators have differing views on what constitutes a quality project. The generally agreed parameters are that it delivers the desired outcomes on time...